Congrats to @mariafpalafox on her first, first-author publication! Maria is the first graduate student in my lab and is jointly mentored by @Keribackus. In this manuscript, we map chemoproteomics data to genomic annotations. For genetics folks- chemoproteomics detected (CpD) means that one used chemical probes to label specific amino acids that are reactive. These labeled residues are associated with residue function and, we think, represent a way to prioritize functional variants in disease. We use some Cp-detected (CpD) data generated by @Keribackus and others to explore mapping of CpD with the growing list of genomic functional annotations.
Have a favorite protein? Or a curious VUS? check out and see if your favorite gene has some labeled residues!
So proud of @mariafpalafox and her hard work :) and hopefully the first of many exciting collaborations with @Keribackus!